Soy consists of three main products: bean (or seed), oil and soybean meal. Soybean meal is the by-product of soybean oil extraction. Crushing one (…)

Palm oil
Palm oil is a vegetable oil extracted by hot pressing from the pulp of the fruits of the oil palm, a tree native to tropical Africa from which (…)

The global cocoa market
Driven by global demand, the increase in areas dedicated to cocoa production has been particularly sustained since the (…)

Natural rubber
The global natural rubber market
World production of natural rubber is estimated at 13.8 million tonnes per year on average over the 2012-2021 (…)

Wood and derived products
The global timber market
Worldwide, the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) reports that nearly 1.15 billion hectares (…)

Beef and its co-products
Deforested areas are often used for livestock grazing. This is how the consumption of beef contributes to imported deforestation. In 2021, 75% of (…)

Coffee is the world’s leading agricultural resource in terms of value. There are two cultivated species: Arabica coffee (60% of production) and (…)